Monday, February 18, 2013

The first success.

I had my first weigh in this morning and I am down 1.6 pounds! I was pretty pleased with this after a weekend of horrendous eating. I indulged in dessert more than once with choices that were not the smartest. That is one thing I will say for the weight watchers program, it allows for slip ups. I know ideally in a perfect world I should walk away from the Sticky Toffee Pudding with caramel sauce and ice-cream. However I WANTED that sticky toffee pudding and I enjoyed that sticky toffee pudding. I feel it's realistic to enjoy such foods from time to time. I think the part that made me successful is I tracked it all so I kept within my point's range. I think I only had one flex point left by the end but I stayed within. If I didn't have the tracking I know I would've eaten a lot more.

So my eating (short of the weekend binging) was pretty good. My exercise was not so great. I met the fuelband goal a couple of times by doing extra walking which was good. I wanted to get into yoga and the elliptical but I didn't. I had a weird week where my sleeping pattern was mucked up. I had nights of insomnia which lead to crashing when I got home. Thankfully the insomnia seems better and I am getting tired. In-fact it's past my bedtime now and I'm feeling it! So I'm going to sign off and hit the hay.

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