Saturday, November 29, 2008

A little late, but better then never.

O.k, so really I'm 3 weeks done, but I still feel like a newby.

I am currently using the couch to 5 k plan to get back into running shape. I have tried before, but to be honest with you, I push myself way too hard. I am literally my own worst enemy. I will run so hard I hurt myself, have to take time off and then I quit.

If you do not know about the couch to 5 k, I highly recommend it. You can find it here:

So yesturday I finnished week 3. I had a bit of a speed bump yesturday. I have been using podcasts to do the timing for me. Again I'll pimp the link for the podcasts cause they are excellent!

Anyway so I noticed that for some reason my ipod deleted the cast. This was completely sucky. I have an ipod touch and it seems to do that when I sync it. I think it deletes them because I've already listened to them. So I considered not going to the gym and doing it another day (which is basically never doing it!). But the little voice in my head told me this was no excuse and to get off my butt and get there. So I wrote out the times to transition from runs to walks, and went armed with the time table and ipod to the gym. I've been tracking the runs with the nike + (which is such a neat tool). Anyway I just listened to regular music and when I got off the treadmill was surprised to learn it was my best run yet!! You can check it out for yourself here! Well o.k there was some old runs that were better but you'll see I quit! LOL.

Anyway Monday is week 4 and I'm excited. On Wednesday of next week I'm halfway through to 5 k!

