Monday, February 25, 2013

weigh in.

I did not do well last week. I went over on points (by 4 so not horrible but still over). I also did not exercise. I figured my weigh in this morning would be a minimal loss if anything. I was just hoping that I did not gain. I also ate out for lunch and dinner yesterday so I figured this weigh in was going to be a disaster.

I  lost 3.3 pounds

Don't get me wrong I'm happy I lost but it seems the less effort I put in the more I loose? Maybe it's because I tracked so well this week and took the effort to put it all in as accurately as possible? Anyway it's a good loss and I won't dwell on it. This week I'm going to try to get the activity points in check. So now I'm way ahead on my goal which is to loose 20 pounds by summer. Here's hoping I can keep it up!

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